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Judging the 4-way UK club comp. We will be reviewing and scoring 30 images from other clubs around the UK.
Welcome to our 66th Season!
Rhiwbina Camera Club is a small but friendly camera Club based in North Cardiff catering for beginners and more experienced photographers alike. We have a focus on learning and development through to competition level.
Interested in joining?
Feel free to come along to one of our meetings to try us out with absolutely no obligation.
Trying to finding us?
Please see the address and map on our About us page.
If you do decide to join our Club you will also find details of our membership subscription here.
Below are some images from our members - click on our Gallery page for more images. ​
We have a Club Facebook page where we can share and discuss images and all things photographic.
On 18 October the club members judged the first Rhiwbina Festival photo competition. The theme was "What Rhiwbina means to me". The winner was Michelle Reed-Perez with her photo entitled Tails of Rhiwbina. The members appreciated the dog's eye view, the bold colours and the sense of action. Here is the winning image and our chair presenting the happy winner with her prize.

On 5 April members met for a novel evening of "live" film development facilitated by one of our members.

We recently took part in a four-way competition with CPA Camera Club (Belfast), Crawley Camera Club and Midlothian Camera Club (Edinburgh). The overall winner was our own Steve Thole with his image Kingfisher and his Catch which scored a full 60 out of 60.