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The club members actively participate in a number of internal and external competitions throughout the year.


External Judges are invited to critique and judge many of the internal and external competitions.  They provide impartial advice so that club members can develop their photographic skills. 


Internal Competitions 


Club Competition for prints and digital images


Members are encouraged to submit images fitting the following categories, the set subjects for the first part of season 64 are 'Close Up' and 'Reflection'.  These will also be published in the programme


  1. open DPIs

  2. open prints

  3. set subject DPIs 

  4. set subject prints



Internally we have three annual Trophies for club members


The Chairmans Cup  

This is for the single best Digital image and club members (excluding the Chairman) can submit one digital image on the night. The Chairman will decide the overall winner. 

 The Panel Trophy

 Club members can submit a panel of four prints on the night. The winner will be from a blind ballot of the club members.


From the WPF:  A Panel consists of prints, either monochrome or colour. It will normally be to the applicant’s advantage if his/her panel (or digital sequence) has a central single theme. However, two separate themes can sometimes work well together – totally different subjects are unlikely to succeed.


The assessors will of course be looking for a high, consistent technical standard, coupled with the ability of the applicant to communicate his/her feelings and intentions.The individual way in which the photographer interprets and displays his/her chosen subjects will be recognised and commended, provided it is positive and consistent.

If the treatment given by the applicant indicates a pictorial content, then it will be assessed as a pictorial panel whatever the subject. However, if the work shows the approach of the photographer to be of a record style illustrating factual information rather than creating an emotional response, then the panel will be assessed as pure record photography. The lack of any pictorial quality will in no way be to the applicant’s disadvantage.

Presentation of the work submitted will be taken into consideration.


 The Jim Yendle Trophy

 This will be decided by Jim Yendle and will change from year to year. 


The subject for season 64 (2021/22) is TBC and will be announced as soon as possible. This should be a mounted print, any size any shape


Flickr Competition


From time to time the club runs themed Flickr competitions, club members can enter one photograph that meets the chosen theme, club members will then vote on the winner. click here to access Flickr



Internal Competition Submissions


For internal competitions images may be submitted in your chosen media  as either a print or a digital Image. 


Images may be re-submitted to Internal Competitions provided they have not placed 1st - 3rd in a previous Internal competition.  This is to allow members to gain additional critique from different judges and to allow members the opportunity to improve their images based on feedback, where possible. Images that have been substantially re-worked may be considered to be a 'new' image.   This will be looked at on a case by case basis, but examples of substantial rework may include conversion between colour and black and white, major cropping, use of an image in a composite. 


Prints and digital images should be submitted following the sizing rules below, but a reasonable tolerance can be given for Internal competition.  Please bear in mind the limitations of our club display equipment. Internal competitions have a more relaxed approach on the dimensions but please note that using the below sizings is good practice to save rework when using the images for external competitions and battles.



Externally we participate in a number of Battles with other camera clubs


Barry Camera Club / Cardiff Camera Club / Merthyr Camera Club are some of the clubs we do battle with. 



External Competitions and Battles


Winning Prints and digital images from internal competitions may be collected by the Competitions Secretary prior to the External competition or Battle. 

The Competitions Secretary will send out an email requesting submissions prior to the battle, no submissions can be accepted after the date stipulated by the Competitions Secretary. 


The digital images will be critiqued by a panel of minimum three members who will decide which images to submit. 

If your images are chosen then the Competition Coordinator will notify you with further instructions. 


Prints and digital images must be submitted following the sizing rules below.


Printed Images - External Competitions and Battles


Photographic prints of all formats and sizes must be mounted on a mount measuring 20" x 16" / 50cm x 40cm.


All prints must be submitted for the relevant competition by  the specified date, no late entries can be accepted. 



Digital Images - External Competitions and Battles


Digital images must not exceed 1600 pixels horizontally or 1200 pixels vertically.  Would these be allowed?


Landscape format

1600px x 900px  -  Yes


1600px x 1200px  -  Yes


2000px x 1050px  - No


1600px x 1300px  -  No


2000px x 1200px  -  No


Portrait format

900px x 1200px  -  Yes


1000px x 1200px  -  Yes


1200px x 1600px  -  No



Labelling prints

All images need to be labelled using the following format.


Membership number - Image title - Category (where relevant)

For example

001 - Great Image - open 

002 - Another Great Image - long exposure

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